Neuralstem CEO Blog

  • He that will not apply new remedies, must expect new evils

Posted: December 19, 2008

“He that will not apply new remedies, must expect new evils..”

- Sir Francis Bacon (1597)

With the filing of our IND recently, Neuralstem has hopefully introduced a truly “new remedy” into the fight against ALS and other incurable neurodegenerative diseases. We have received many questions about the IND. People want to know what it entails, and what the process will be going forward. I will try to answer as many of these questions as I can in this post.


  • Whither Now?

Posted: November 7, 2008

Many have you have been asking what effect the election might have on stem cell research, and of course by inference on Neuralstem. As Yogi Berra famously said, predictions are hard to make, especially when they concern the future. Nevertheless, now that we can see the outcome of the election, here is my take:


  • Winston Churchill

Posted: October 1, 2008

is famously said to have decreed that no one should see two things made, sausage and laws. What we are witnessing on Capital Hill in the wake of unprecedented turbulence in the financial markets would tend to confirm this notion. One need only know one thing about the “bailout” bill which failed so spectacularly earlier in the week. When it came from Treasury it was 3 pages long. The bill that the Senate will vote on tonight (and I suspect pass) is 465 pages (at this count). If it does not pass, rest assured it will grow in size and content until it does pass. Of course, this is only the Senate’s bill. The House members will now attach their own pet projects to the bill, and it will all be worked out in committee and then passed into law. Lest anyone think that any branch of the Government is blameless here, be assured that the White House has many irons in this 465 page fire also.


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